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Best Home Loan Rate in Singapore (2023)
Which bank offers the best home loan rates in this month? Compare the rate now.

    • Years Loan Tenure (35 years max)
  • Latest Bank Rate Updated : 9th February 2025

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HOW CAN WE HELP YOU? 3 Ways We Make Your Life Easier


No Cost To You At All

Choosing the right housing loan package can save you thousands of dollars every year, if not more. With Mortgage Loan Singapore, you enjoy hassle-free, best housing loan rates, as well as professional advice at zero cost.


A Piece of Mind

Choosing the right loan package is a crucial process as it will eliminate unnecessary costs and stress later. With Mortgage Loan Singapore, you can have a piece of mind because we are constantly updated on loan packages in the market, having direct access to bankers. Be rest assured that you will not be missing out on any suitable home loan packages in the market.


Personal Home Loan Consultant

Because every borrower is different, never rely on complicated, generic online financial tools or calculators. Securing the best property loan can be extremely simple and straightforward with your personal home loan consultants who are trained to shortlist the best bank rates in Singapore and recommend solutions for you to sound financial choices.

Questions & AnswerAsk Mortgage Loan Singapore a Question.

Are there any charges for me to engage your services?

No. With Mortgage Loan Singapore, you enjoy hassle-free, best housing loan rates, as well as professional advice at zero cost.

Mortgage Loan Singapore works with almost all banks in Singapore. The banks pay us a small fee for referring cases to them. This is why we are able to provide you with free and unbiased views.

If I take a loan from the bank, what type of loan should I take?

Are you planning to sell the property after a few years? That is an important point to consider because it determines whether a fixed or floating interest rate suits you better. As Singapore inter-bank rates trend very closely to US Fed Rates, a fixed rate loan may be wise as a hedge against rates hikes because there is a possibility that the US Federal Reserve will raise interest rates in the near term. However, fixed rate loans typically comes with lock-in periods, and you are subject to paying penalties if you prepay the loan within the lock-in period.

What kind of repayment options are available?

The maximum loan tenor for HDB loans is 25 years, or up to age 65, whichever is lower, for financing up to 80%. A maximum loan tenor can be up to 30 years for financing of up to 60%. For private residential properties, there's a pre-set matrix. For the first private residential loan, you can borrow up to 80% if (1) The Loan tenor does not exceed 30 years (2) Age at the end of loan tenor does not exceed 65. For financing up to 60% on the first private residential loan, the maximum loan tenor is capped at 35 years.

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